Never heard of "Clockwork"?


Want more details about what each weekly module covers? Here they are!


Clockwork Modules:

As you'll see, this is not a 'quick fix' program that overpromises and underdelivers- it's a systematic and proven way of working through your whole business and addressing the common things that hold small to medium businesses back from scaling.  You'll get a good understanding of how each of these concepts work, and once you've gone through all 12 modules, you'll be able to see what you need to go back and spend more time on. 

Tech Modules:

These introduce one piece of software/tech/app/automation a week that in most cases complement the topic being taught in the clockwork module. They are completely optional to implement, but I'm recommending them because I genuinely believe they'll help save time and/or money in your business- or in most cases both. All of them are no/low code so they're simple to implement, and they're all ones I've used for years and know work really well. There are lots of alternatives to them out there that you're more than welcome to use, I just want to save you time and effort hunting down something that will work if you don't know where to start- and I'll also be recommending plenty of others in community discussions as well.


Module 1: Finding time when you have no time!

Helping you find the time to do this course- where possible by getting some quick wins on the board from increased efficiencies or reprioritising/reassigning existing tasks. We'll be getting to know each other in the community and setting up some great habits that will help you implement the other modules much more easily and efficiently.

Tech module (FYI This week you'll get introduced to two apps that should really help get you some quick wins and time freed up- every other module only introduces one at a time but I really wanted to help you get good amounts of time back straight away that you can then put back into the course for even more wins): How to speed up communication, keep your brand voice and responses fast and consistent; and how to get your existing software/ programs to communicate to each other and do things automatically without you lifting a finger. 


Module 2: Vision and Culture

Laying the groundwork for the rest of the course by helping you get really clear on what your ideal business looks like- this gives an incredibly strong foundation to build on in the rest of the course.

Tech module: How to easily collect and curate information in one place that you can refer back to or search incredibly easily.


Module 3: Your Ideal Client (Crush/Cringe Analysis)

Get really clear on who your ideal client is so you can attract more of them. (Great for anyone who doesn't have enough clients or has too many clients of the wrong types) Figure out where they congregate so you can get the best return on your marketing dollar.

Tech module: How to get client information into one place that you can then analyse for things they have in common. Yes, we're going to use spreadsheets, but it also goes further than that!


Module 4: 4D mix

Learn where your time and your team's time is going- and how to make better use of it! This will be much more in depth than module 1- now it's about making significant and lasting changes that will increase the whole company's productivity and profitability, and where you start learning the concepts that will help in the delegation module.

Tech module: How to track, classify, and analyse time that you and your team are spending on various tasks. 


Module 5: Big Promise and Queen Bee Role

Get crystal clear on what difference you're making in your clients lives (which makes attracting more of the right type of client lots easier!). Figure out what the most important activity is that your company does to deliver on that big promise- which probably sounds fairly insignificant here, but will be one of the most important things you learn!

Tech module: How to streamline and elevate email handling- cut down on the time that's wasted in your inbox, and make sure things are dealt with as, when, and how they need to be, so you can make sure everyone can support the Queen Bee Role when and how they need to. (This software does have a steeper learning curve than any of the others, but for anyone that gets the majority of their headaches from emails then this will be 100% worth it!)


Module 6: Protect and Serve the QBR

By learning how to protect and serve the Queen Bee Role, you'll learn how to protect your business from things that could take it off course, and also be able to focus everyone on the most important activities to grow it in the right direction!

Tech module: How to make sure everyone is 'on the same page' with major projects and repeating tasks so that they stay on track.


Module 7: 3T's and Delegation Tools

This module is all about how to figure out who is best to do which task (even if they can't take them on immediately). Getting things set up so that things can be delegated well- and you can start looking forward to getting a holiday completely away from the business while knowing things are running smoothly without you!

Tech module: How to set up workflows that make sure everything gets done perfectly every time, even when multiple people are involved. FYI: I've tried to keep the software suggestions no/low cost wherever possible, but this one does come at a higher level of investment than the others. There are other options out there but this one has made such a huge difference in my businesses that I just had to include it!


Module 8: Capturing Systems and Processes

How to set up and record systems and processes in a way that makes it really easy for everyone (including new team members) to understand how a job/task needs to be done. Make it easy for team members to decide what to do in almost any situation, without needing to come to you with a stream of questions first!

Tech module: How to record systems and processes with almost no extra time or effort required.


Module 9: Rebalance the team

Imagine a business where you and all of your team are doing the things that you're great at and you love doing- this module will help you to make that happen!

Tech module: How to do a job trait analysis, so that you can see who in the existing team should be doing what things, and what to look for the next time you need to bring a new team member or contractor on board.


Module 10: Metrics

'What gets measured gets done.' 'What you focus on grows.' 'Knowledge is power.' All of these are true- and at the heart of them all is metrics. Learn how to set up systems that gather the key information about your business and put it into a dashboard where you can see how the business is performing at a glance- solve problems before they get big, and double down on the stuff that's working!

Tech module: How to build dashboards that pull your company's data into one place automatically and in real time.


Module 11: Bottlenecks- identifying and overcoming

There are 4 major bottlenecks that businesses face- Attracting (Clients), Converting (Clients), Delivering (Product or Service) and Collecting (Getting paid). Learn which one you're stuck on at the moment and how to solve it, as well as learning how to spot and plan for the next one that you'll then face!

Tech module: How to build databases of public information for lead generation quickly, easily and cheaply. ('Attract' seems to be a key issue for a lot of businesses so this module targets that bottleneck.)


Module 12: Time away from the business- what to do before and after so you have complete time out

The ultimate test for a business and the ultimate reward for most business owners- time off! It's not only good for you, but it's vital for the longevity of the business that you're able to step away from it without everything falling apart. Learn how to prepare your team to run things without you and learn how to debrief with them after you get back so that you can all work on improving things for next time!

Tech module: How to record and automatically get summaries and action plans from online meetings.

OK, what are my next steps?

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